We create effective logistics flows that provide our customers with the prerequisites for growth and increased competitiveness.
Price enquiriesThe majority the goods shipped around the world are transported in containers on ships. This is the most cost-effective and sustainable option when transporting to and from the different continents of the world.
The fastest way to transport goods is by air. When there are strict requirements with regard to time and precision, air freight is an excellent alternative.
CLL LS is an integrated process that links all the parties in the logistics chain. C Land’s overall solution aims to organize and control the flow of goods, capital and information.
As a neutral and independent freight forwarder, we create logistics and information flows based on our customer’s prerequisites. We work together with the world’s foremost airlines and shipping companies for transport to and from every continent in the world.
We strive to create logistics flows that provide our customers with the prerequisites for growth and increased competitiveness. We succeed in this by combining personal commitment with absolutely leading edge technical solutions and by making the information available to our customers.
We are C Land Logistics.
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